Data-driven decision making: How analytics can transform events.

There’s more to event planning than vision or creativity – something that has the potential to take your events to the next level. Analytics!

Whether it’s figuring out what your audience truly wants, optimizing your ROI, or cutting back on venue bottlenecks, analytics are your best friend. While it might not sound as glamorous as other aspects of event planning, analytics are like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Only the daring should embark!

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Keep your event running smoothly.

The goal is to create an unforgettable experience that flows seamlessly. However, issues can arise and throw a wrench into the machine. Bottlenecks, staffing shortages, and wait-time are issues that commonly arise at events and can be frustrating to guests. With the power of event data, you can predict or record the most popular attractions at the event, or make an action plan to keep everything running smoothly. With registration and ticketing data, you can anticipate peak arrival times or attendance to each panel. The most popular panels or the busiest areas of the event should have more staffing, of course.

There is also RFID or NFC technology, which provides a map of attendee hotspots. You can use the data gathered in real-time or to predict activity at your next event!

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Stay on top of trends.

In a dynamic industry, staying on top of current trends helps companies stay relevant. While a unique event experience is fantastic, don’t lose sight of the bigger picture! 

Internet search analytics, like Google Analytics, allow users to see trending search queries or topics. With this tool, you can gain a more comprehensive view on what’s poppin’ in the event planning space! This also gives you a peek into the activity of your competition, giving you an edge. 

How many people Google your competition? Which keywords are they using?

With these insights, you’ll be able to keep your events on the pulse of major trends.

What Would You Like To Do Zooey Deschanel GIF by filmeditor

Cater to attendee interests.

Understanding your audience’s preferences is vital in order to deliver an exceptional event that keeps them coming back for more. Luckily, we can use the power of analytics to gather information. At the event itself, session check-ins or attendance data can be collected to use in the future. This approach lets you fine-tune future event agendas to match interest. Which panels attracted the most guests? What was not-so-popular on the schedule? Take the most successful parts of the events and deliver MORE of that. Create more panels and give more space or staffing to the hottest attractions. By examining data from the past and identifying emerging trends, you can make more informed decisions when planning future event offerings.

Celebrity gif. Looking stressed, we zoom in on Issa Rae as calculations float around her face.

Do a ROI analysis.

Analytics are a major way to take a closer look at the financial aspect of your event and your ROI (return on investment). It’s a zoomed-out perspective of how successful your event is! To start, choose a few KPIs (or key performance indicators) that align with your events goals – such as revenue generated or the cost per attendee.

This data will also be helpful when you start seeking out suppliers or vendors for your next event. Check out our blog post on the art of negotiation with suppliers!

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Show up on social media.

Likes, views, and followers – oh my! Beyond those surface-level metrics, a world of strategic insights are waiting to be discovered. You want to create a healthy blend of engagement, conversion, and trend analysis in order to make a real splash. Remember : engagement is everything. The amount of followers you have doesn’t matter if they never interact with your content! In fact, it’s better to have less followers that consistently engage with your content. 

If you want to calculate your engagement rate, check out this tool from Hootsuite!

You want to show up (digitally, of course) where your followers are. So if your event is sure to attract an older crowd, Facebook is the place to be. If your event is catered towards the hip Gen-Z crowd, a few clever TikTok videos can do the trick. 

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Get ready to face the truth.

Numbers don’t lie, my friend. The truth can hurt! Facing the truth of analytics gives you all the power to make major improvements in the event experience. So pay attention to the data behind engagement, financials, or the event flow itself. Remember – analytics is your road map to the future. Let’s set sail!

November 2, 2023

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November 2, 2023

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