Organizers have plenty to worry about when planning an event. There are speakers to wrangle, marketing to develop, and countless vendors to check in with every day.
So why would organizers want to think about printing hundreds or even thousands of badges onsite? And how would that make their lives any easier? Answer – onsite badge printing simply creates a better event experience all around. Trust us. To explain, here are the top 10 reasons why you need onsite printing at your next event.

It’s easier.
On-site badge printing means attendees simply have to show up, type their name on the check-in kiosk, press print, and they get their badge in seconds. It’s that simple.
The check-in kiosks, (an iPad and printer loaded with blank badges), are sent to the venue beforehand. Organizers just plug in and set up the kiosks and they are good to go. The iPads are connected directly to your registration platform. Ready to get people checked in or registered instantly.
There’s no pre-printing, no picking up badges from the vendors, and no alphabetizing, ever.
Basically, of all the things we love about on-site badge printing, our favorite is that it simply makes printing event badges easier in every way.
It’s faster.
Sifting through alphabetized badges takes longer than it does to print a fresh badge onsite. In fact, at Expo from check-in to printed badge can take as little as 11 seconds. Talk about fast!
Onsite printing also means fewer hold-ups in the line. Staff never have to leave to look for a lost badge, or try to correct a badge that was misprinted. Organizers can even add as many check-in and badge printing kiosks as they need to keep things moving.
We all know attendees don’t like to wait, printing onsite gets people inside and connecting faster than ever.
Increases event revenue.
Onsite badge printing lets organizers keep registration open throughout the entire event, and most importantly – sell more passes.
No more closing registration early to print badges or get attendee info to vendors. Simply let attendance build as word gets out about your amazing event, and late arrivals will enjoy the same effortless registration and check-in process as all the early birds.
This is also great news for the marketing team, which can keep the focus on selling passes, even as the event is underway. Now that’s how you boost revenue!

Keeps registration flexible and stress-free.
Onsite printing keeps event registration flexible and fits better with everyone’s hybrid work/life these days.
Attendees are enjoying the freedom of remote work and being able to travel on short notice. Onsite printing lets attendees show up, register, and print a badge – without making any previous commitments. This is exactly what attendees need as they get back to in-person events.
Organizers can also forget about stressful registration cutoff dates, and keep the focus on the upcoming event. The way it should be.
Saves money and waste.
Onsite badge printing greatly reduces the number of staff you need to hire for check-in tables. Simply set up the check-in kiosks and the rest is completely automated.
Organizers can say goodbye to paying multiple vendors for time and equipment, just to print event badges. Everything you need arrives together in one case ready for your event. The best part of working with one vendor like Expo is no more trying to contact multiple vendor companies and various contacts if you ever hit a snag or have a question. We are always here for you, and you know exactly who your contact is.
Plus, with on-demand printing, you won’t be wasting any pre-printed badges on attendees who don’t show up. It’s good for your budget, and good for the environment. A win-win.
Better use of staff’s time.
Onsite printing lets event staff step away from alphabetizing and searching for badges and move on to helping speakers and engaging with attendees.
Staff are one of the biggest assets at the event. They can problem-solve, communicate, and most importantly, learn important leadership skills from organizers. Onsite printing pulls staff away from tedious, time-consuming work, and allows them to spend more time keeping the event on track.
Creates a better first impression.
Sleek check-in kiosks and instantly printed badges are simply more professional than endless tables lined with alphabetized pieces of paper.
People use their touch screens for everything. Coffee shops, airports, movie theaters, they all have some variation of touch screens to keep us moving.
Onsite badge printing fits more seamlessly into our modern world. It’s cutting edge, simple, and what people expect from a top-notch event right now. Plus, this means no more badges with names written in Sharpie for those late registrants. Every badge will look as good as the next.

Simplifies attendance tracking and data collection.
Onsite badge printing makes it easier to instantly track attendance and collect data.
Each time a badge is printed, organizers can see who’s checked in, who isn’t, and what the overall attendance numbers look like. Never worry about missing any attendees or not having an accurate picture of who is on the event floor.
The marketing team can also use this data to refine who they reach out to, based on who is at the event or who needs to get checked-in. Attendee data doesn’t tell you everything, but it can definitely tell you who needs a nudge to get to the venue!
More Secure:
Event badges can contain attendee names, company info, attendee type, and even a QR code for lead retrieval and attendance tracking. Basically, whatever information you want to add.
Onsite printing ensures that attendees are the only ones that ever hold their badges. The badge won’t be given to the wrong person or get lost in transit.
Attendees can rest assured that if their badge ever goes missing, it’s probably just under the bed in the hotel room 🙂
More Convenient:
Attendees don’t have to remember to bring anything that was mailed to them. Everything attendees need is already in the system and ready to print.
Organizers don’t need to bring anything either. The printer kits are sent directly to the venue, along with badge shells. Organizers just need to set up the printer and they are ready to go.
Onsite badge printing simply creates a better experience all around.
Printing badges onsite creates a better experience for organizers, attendees, and everyone at the event.
Attendees enjoy an easy, fast, and flexible system that fits more with how we travel and work now. Organizers can keep registration open and save time and money instead of pre-printing badges. And everyone wins by using a modern waste-saving, low-touch system. Few things can completely improve the entire event experience, but onsite badge printing is definitely one of them!