You’ve been asking for a way to notify your attendees about news that’s important to your event. We’ve been working hard to fill the need with mobile push notifications for your event. Whether the attendee is in or out of the app they can now receive your special message.
When your attendees first log into the mobile event app we’ll ask them for permission to notify them on their mobile device. Thereafter, you may purchase on demand notification tokens ($50/1000) to use for messaging your attendees. While setting up your messages you may send to a specific group of attendees or everyone.
We have included the ability to send along with your message, Emojis! Right, who doesn’t love receiving a smiley face once in a while anyway. I digress. In addition to sending cute faces you may also link your attendee into the app through deep linking. When an attendee touches the notification it’ll direct them immediately to the Exhibitor, Session, or other specified link.
Lastly, it can be hard to hit that specific time to send that notification so you may schedule your messages in advance and we’ll take care of shipping that message on time for you!
Wait, one more thing. Stats, see how many you sent and how many people have opened those notifications.
Learn more about how to send messages in the push notification article by Meg under Expo’s Event Support Center.
*It is important to remember that while push notifications can be used to send emergency information it is not a conclusive disaster plan as only those opted into push notifications will receive the message and internet connectivity is required.