Build relationships, book events: Networking in the event industry.

Hey there, event enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the world of networking and make valuable connections? Whether you’re aiming to expand your business, gain industry insights, or land your dream gig, networking is the ticket to success!

Let’s dive into a few fun and effective networking strategies to build lasting relationships, fuel your career, and make a splash in the events industry.

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Strategize for success.

Set Goals.

Before diving into the event scene, take a moment to envision your big-picture business or career goals. What’s the ultimate vision for your brand or career path? Where do you want to be one year from now? Define your long-term objectives to guide your networking efforts. Consider the specific outcomes you’d like to achieve through networking. Are you looking to expand your client base, gain insights from industry leaders, or secure your dream job? Once you’ve decided on goals, break ‘em down into actionable objectives!

Create Measurable Targets.

Translate your goals into tangible milestones. For example:

  • Attend 5 networking events in your industry each month.
  • Initiate conversations with 10 professionals in your niche.
  • Hand out 20 business cards to potential collaborators or clients.
  • Follow up with your current network by sending personalized messages or scheduling coffee meetings.

While you can’t control every outcome, you can steer your efforts in the right direction by focusing on achievable objectives and targeting the right connections. Embrace a strategic mindset to work smarter, not harder, towards your networking goals.

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Provide value to others.

Kick your networking powers up a notch by offering genuine value. If you really want to stand out to others while networking, the secret sauce is to provide value.

Lend a listening earIt’s that simple. Being an active listener helps you understand the challenges, goals, and ideas of others. You gotta know what people need in order to help them, right? Being a good listener also builds trust.

Show up for them – Being consistent and supportive to others is so valuable in networking! Ask potential clients or colleagues about upcoming events that they may be organizing. Even if they’re just attending, tagging along with them can be another networking opportunity.

Share your own network – If people within your network could benefit from knowing each other, introduce them.

Offer them your services – the stars have aligned and you are exactly what your potential client has been looking for! This is your chance. To brush up on your elevator pitch, check out our article on how to land high-profile clients!

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Know where to look for opportunities.

Now that you’ve identified who your target audience is and how you can make a positive impression, it’s time to pinpoint where they spend their time! Understanding which places attract your ideal clientele will enhance your networking efforts. Here’s how to narrow down your search:

  • Targeted Research: Dive into uncovering the places that your ideal clients or industry leaders are most active. Hello, LinkedIn!
    Explore professional associations, industry-specific events, and online communities they might engage with. Put yourself in their shoes by imagining where they would invest their time based on their interests and professional goals. 
  • Follow Industry Trends: Stay updated on emerging trends and topics within your industry. Attend workshops, seminars, or panel discussions related to these trends. This not only keeps you informed but also positions you among like-minded professionals who share similar interests.

Leverage Your Network: Tap into your existing network for information. Ask colleagues, mentors, or connections about upcoming events they’re organizing or attending. Their recommendations can lead you to valuable networking opportunities tailored to your goals.

Here are some places where you can look for opportunities:

  • Workshops: Participate in hands-on workshops focused on industry-specific skills or topics. These settings provide opportunity for meaningful interactions and skill-sharing.
  • Seminars: Attend seminars or conferences hosted by industry experts or organizations. These events often attract a diverse audience and offer valuable insights into current trends and best practices.
  • Club Meetings: Have a little bit (or a lot) of fun with networking by joining clubs or associations relevant to your field. Club meetings create the perfect environment for networking and building relationships with like-minded professionals.
  • Events: Keep an eye out for networking events, mixers, or industry gatherings in your area. These gatherings offer a platform to meet new contacts, exchange ideas, and expand your professional circle.

By identifying the places where your ideal clients or industry peers frequent, you’ll maximize your networking efforts and increase your chances of making meaningful connections that line up with your professional objectives!

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Build an online presence.

In today’s digital age, the internet has become a powerful tool for networking and professional growth. With a strong online presence, you can connect with others across the globe and expand your network beyond geographical limits. Read more in our article about building an online community of like-minded people!

Here are a few places you can start networking online:


All the pros have a LinkedIn profile – and for good reason! It’s the perfect place to reach out to colleagues and clients, make new connections, and find professional opportunities. Basically, it’s the place to network online.

A great LinkedIn profile showcases your skills, experience, and achievements. Once your profile is complete, start connecting with your current network of people. To boost your profile’s visibility further, use relevant keywords, engage with those in your industry, and join relevant groups.


It’s no longer just for social networking – pros can use it too! 

Create a professional Facebook page to represent your business, brand, or services. Use your page to share any upcoming events or exciting new collaborations that are in the pipeline.

Facebook groups are also a fantastic networking resource. Look for groups related to your industry or niche. These groups will often have discussions where you can offer advice or insight. Not only can you connect with others, but you can provide value – all from the comfort of your own home (or coffee shop with good Wi-Fi). Be sure to follow the guidelines of each group – you don’t want to come across as spammy or overly sales-y. Offer real value to others – you may be the first person in mind when a new opportunity arises!

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Stay connected & check-in regularly. 

Connecting and staying connected is the bread and butter of the networking world. Here are a few ways to be kept in mind with colleagues and clients:

Exchange contact info

Always have your business cards ready to go! Swapping contact details makes sure you can easily stay in touch or follow-up after events or meetings. Don’t forget to connect on LinkedIn!


After you make contact, follow-up with a personalized email or message within a few days of meeting! Express your gratitude for the connection and provide any information or resources that could be helpful to them. This little bit of effort can really stand out!

Catch-up over coffee

Let’s catch up! 

Set time aside to check-in with contacts and nurture those relationships! Schedule coffee meetings or a phone call to ask them about recent events or exchange ideas. Build the habit of consistent communication.

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Be yourself!

As you navigate the world of networking and relationship-building, remember to stay true to you! 

Authenticity is a powerful tool in marketing and personal branding – it allows you to connect with others on a genuine level. Rather than trying to emulate someone else or conform to perceived norms, embrace your unique personality, strengths, and quirks.

Authenticity breeds trust and fosters deeper connections with your network. When you show up as your authentic self, you attract like-minded individuals who resonate with your values and vision. Whether you’re attending industry events, engaging on social media, or meeting with clients, let your authenticity shine through in every interaction. 

By being genuine and true to yourself, you not only enhance your networking efforts but also create meaningful and fulfilling relationships that can propel your career or business forward. 

Happy networking! 

May 8, 2024

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May 8, 2024

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