Event Technology Expo

Old school meet
new school.

We push the limits of attendance tracking past their limits with cutting edge tech, like automated scanning and certificate distribution.

Scan, your attendeess,
scan them all.

Scan your guests into sessions and keep track of who is attending what and when. 

Badge Scanning
Session Validation

A place for everyone.
And everyone in their place.

Make sure everyone gets where they need to go with session validation. So, if you registered for gold level sessions you don’t head into silver ones. And vice versa.
Details and Data

It’s all about the details…
and the data.

Grab important details about your attendees like
license numbers and signatures.

Track Attendees

Track attendees.
Track their safety.

Keep everyone safer with attendance tracking. By
knowing exactly where everyone is at all times, you
can notify attendees in case of emergencies, threats
or disasters.

Want to talk?
Set up a time to speak with an event specialist and tell us a little about your event.

A couple things.
And a few more after that.

Because too much of a good thing is never too much.
Equipment Rental

Equipment Rental

Need extra mobile devices? No problem we rent iPads.
Go Custom

Go Custom

Include custom fields and data to build out your certificates.
CSV Export

CSV Export

Export your data.
Lead Retrieval

Exhibitor Lead Retrieval

Grab leads and
look smart doing it.

Event Registration

Event Registration

Ready, set, register. 
It’s that easy.

Demo Request 081522
Quote Request 081522